Madeline Hart-Andersen Madeline Hart-Andersen

Holy Week at Westminster

Holy Week begins with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as Jesus rides a donkey into the city. The mood quickly shifts from triumphant to somber as the powers-that-be are threatened by Jesus and his followers, sending us into what is called “Triduum,” the Three Days.

Why have you forsaken me? , Lauren Wright Pittman

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Madeline Hart-Andersen Madeline Hart-Andersen

Advent 2: How we prepare the way

We are a people experiencing deep dissatisfaction with our lives; feeling profound concern about the state of society; and yearning for something better, something more.

And from two thousand years ago, John appears out of the wilderness, stands on the banks of the Jordan, and calls us to turn from our old ways, to make a deep and life-altering change.

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