Angel Tree: Make a difference

Westminster is partnering this year with First Presbyterian to provide Angel Tree gifts to the Youth Shelter and Family Services here in Santa Fe. First Presbyterian has provided the names of 15 children, youth and, in some cases, a parent who needs Christmas gifts this year. There is a sign-up sheet for the wish-list in the back of the sanctuary, along with instructions. If you would like to participate but are not able to get to the sanctuary to sign up for a gift, please email the church office and we will pick someone for you! All gifts must be brought to the church no later than Sunday, 18 December. Let’s bring some smiles to our community’s youth and families this holiday season!    

Brought a tag home and need a refresher on how to participate?

  1. Select your gift from the “wish list”

  2. Write your name on the list next to the gift you’ve selected

  3. Take a gift card from the angel tree and write the family number and name of the person you have selected. For example, “301 Anna”. Plan to attach this card to your gift bag.

  4. Use a post-it note to jot a written reminder to yourself of the gift(s) you are purchasing

  5. Do NOT wrap your gift. Instead, put it in a Christmas gift bag, attach your gift card to the bag, and deliver it to Westminster NO LATER THAN December 18

  6. There is no set limit to the cost of your purchase. It is your choice to determine the amount you would like to spend!


Holy Week at Westminster


Advent 2: How we prepare the way