Mission at Westminster

At Westminster, our mission committee is known as Missio Dei (Latin for ‘Mission of God’). Missio Dei is the center point for all our activities combating poverty, hunger, and homelessness, and promoting social justice and immigrant care in Santa Fe, the US and around the world.  Through our participation in PC(USA) social action programs, we are proud to be a Matthew 25 Congregation and a Hunger Action Congregation.

Our heart lies in 7 primary areas:

Keeping Our Community Housed:  Matthew 25 Fund

We partner with the City of Santa Fe to provide assistance funds to those experiencing housing, job, and food insecurity.  Since 2020, we have helped hundreds of individuals and families pay utility bills, auto repair bills, and rent.  Our fund is not budgeted; rather, donations into our fund come from members and friends of WPC.  By 2024, we will have provided more than $100,000 to help our community thrive in their homes.  You can donate to this initiative by clicking here.     

Mentoring Afghan Families

WPC is part of a community of churches welcoming Afghan refugees fleeing from Afghanistan. We have sponsored an Afghan family of 8, assisted other Afghan families, and are helping all families to thrive and prosper in the US. Most importantly, we have become friends with a new community of immigrants in Santa Fe.

Supporting Those Involved in Immigration Crisis

We support non-profit organizations providing food, shelter, and clothing to immigrants crossing the US/Mexico border.  In addition to providing financial assistance, we also conduct clothing and supply drives for communities on both sides of the border. 

Aiding in Crisis

We believe the church has a global obligation to care for those impacted by wars, natural disasters, and climate change.  Whether these occur in the US or around the world, we regularly send relief funds to communities in crisis to help with wildfire relief, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes and wars.

Alleviating Hunger and Poverty: Imagine No Hunger Fund

We use funds donated from members and friends of WPC to help individuals and families experiencing food insecurity.  These include those in our own community, as well as those in countries such as Cuba, Guatemala, Syria, and Ukraine.   You can donate to this initiative by clicking here.    

Helping Those Experiencing Homelessness

Our outreach to organizations and people providing help for those in our community experiencing homelessness is a vital part of what we do and who we are as a congregation.  We volunteer to make and serve meals at local shelters, pack lunches for the unsheltered homeless population, organize clothing, food and supply drives, and befriend those who need help.

Purchasing Fair Trade Coffee:  Café Justo

We support fair trade coffee growers in Mexico through Café Justo, a coffee grower cooperative in Salvador Urbina, Chiapas, Mexico that markets organic coffee grown, harvested, and marketed in the spirit of justice. 

Café Justo provides training and resources necessary for farmers to create and maintain a sustainable, small-scale, international coffee company, thereby shifting the profits from large, international companies to members of the Salvador Urbina cooperative.  The goal is to provide incentives for people to remain on their family lands. 

Come by during office hours or on Sunday mornings to purchase a pound or two of delicious coffee and support fair trade coffee growers.