Taizé Gatherings

Westminsters hosts a devoted group who gather for Taizé style worship regularly. In June and August, we gather at 5:30pm in the sanctuary on the first Thursday of the month, and take July off entirely.

September-May, we gather on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm for about a half hour. Beginning in 2023, we meet at Westminster in person. Leaders are working on an online option.

If you haven’t attended a Taizé style service before, you are welcome to join! Each song (or chant) is sung many times, so feel free to listen a few times before you join in!

The Taizé Community is an ecumenical Christian monastic fraternity in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. It is well known as a place of pilgrimage for youth and adults who gather for contemplative practice. Taizé’s worship style is quiet and contemplative, using Scripture, silence, and sung chants.