Quiet Space Gathering

Second Saturdays at 10am

Quiet Space: a dedicated time for creativity and contemplation, creating space to ‘quiet’ the noise of the world (even if we make noise of our own!) so that we can go back out, nourished for the month ahead. 

We gather on the second Saturday of the month at 10am. Each month, the service will change - yet some things will remain. Whenever we gather, there will always be Scripture reading. There will always be prayer. We will always hold a time of silence together. We may reflect on current events, so often weighty and hard to hold. What will remain the same is a focus on cultivating quiet space for us to gather and be together with each other and God.

Within that structure, Quiet Space is a time for creativity and contemplation. One month, we might create a joint art project and the next, we might lean into the traditions of Taizé. If you have an idea for a Quiet Space gathering, please let us know!