Holy Week at Westminster
Holy Week begins with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as Jesus rides a donkey into the city. The mood quickly shifts from triumphant to somber as the powers-that-be are threatened by Jesus and his followers, sending us into what is called “Triduum,” the Three Days. The liturgy for the Three Days proclaims one dramatic story in three acts. The events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil of Easter are best understood as one service, unfolding over the course of three days. Through this profound and transforming experience at the heart of the Christian year, we are immersed in the holy mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection and the great story of God’s saving love.
On Maundy Thursday, we gather to remember the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples and the way he washed his disciples feet. We'll gather at Christ Lutheran Church (1701 Arroyo Chamiso Rd) to share in the Lord's Supper and the practice of foot-washing. Worship will begin at 6pm, and Christ Lutheran Church does still require masks.
On Good Friday, we gather to remember the story of Jesus' crucifixion and to ponder the question, "Why have you forsaken me?" This service will be somber and quiet as we slowly put out candles as we read Matthew's account of the crucifixion. We'll have the wonderful music of a string quartet to accompany us as we travel toward the cross. This service will be at Westminster at 6pm.
On Holy Saturday, April 8, we'll have two worship options:
At 10am, we'll gather at Westminster for our second Saturday Quiet Space. This will be a quiet worship in the style of Taizé.
At 7:30pm, we'll gather at Christ Lutheran for an Easter Vigil. This two-hour service is an ancient ritual of the church, and will begin with the lighting of the new fire outdoors. I encourage all of you to join us for the Vigil!
We will gather for Easter Worship on Easter Sunday at 11am to celebrate Christ's Resurrection! Our bell choir will play and we'll ponder the question "who are you looking for?"