Lent at Westminster
Lent begins on March 5 with Ash Wednesday. As we have done for the last few years, we will gather for worship and fellowship with Christ Lutheran Church during Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday. Christ Lutheran will host a noon-time Ash Wednesday service and Westminster will host a 6pm service. You are invited to join either or both services - and Westminster’s evening service will be live-streamed.
Our Lenten theme comes from Psalm 136: God’s love endures forever. Lent is a season of reflection, prayer, and repentance - all of which we do because we know and trust that God’s love endures forever. In this season of our national life, it is an important reminder and refrain. God’s love endures forever - and Lent is a season to reflect on that promise and to recommit ourselves to showing that enduring love to the world through our worship, our prayers, and our very lives.
Lenten Study: A Workshop on Prayer
Wednesdays in Lent, beginning March 12, at 12:30pm
The Worship Committee is delighted to invite you to our Lenten study - A Workshop on Prayer. Lent is a season of reflection, prayer, and repentance, and yet often people feel like they don’t know how to pray, or will just leave that to the ‘professionals’ (aka: the pastors). But! All of us are capable of praying, even offering prayers during worship or committee meetings. In this workshop, we’ll look at different kinds of prayer, what motivates us to pray, and encourage all participants to try their hand at creating their own prayers. We hope you will join us!
We will also gather for a special 5th Sunday service on March 30, where we will worship in the style of the Taizé Ecumenical Community in France, with prayer, scripture, silence, and song. The worship committee looks forward to sharing in this contemplative worship style with you.