E&O invites you: Grateful Bread

Evangelism and outreach isn’t only about inviting new folks into our congregation, it’s also about strengthening our connections with each other! E&O is delighted to invite members and friends of Westminster to a series of small group get-togethers, getting to know each other a little better in a smaller setting. We are calling it “Grateful Bread.” 

How it works: Sign-ups begin March 2, and will be open through Sunday March 30. People will be randomly assigned to a group of 6 to 8, announced on April 1. Each group will decide how it wants to “break bread gratefully”: meeting for lunch, meeting for dinner, having coffee and dessert together; at a restaurant, at someone’s home, a picnic in the park. . . whatever and however the group decides! Each group will stay together for 4 months, then the groups will be shuffled and put into another group with new people. Come and join us in breaking bread together and learning more about each other!

The sign-up sheet will be available at the Deacon’s Potluck on March 2, and then on the table in the hallway. Join in for what will be a fun and rewarding time together!


Money Cares begins with Gratitude


Lent at Westminster