What’s happening at Westminster during Advent?

Worship Opportunities

Sunday worship: 11am, Dec. 4, 11, and 18

We gather for worship each Sunday of Advent, celebrating the Lord’s Supper on December 4 and 18! All are welcome to join us, in person or via the livestream on YouTube. 

The Longest Night: Space for Grief, 5:30pm Dec. 21

The holiday season can be hard for many of us, reminding us of lost loved ones and broken relationships. On the longest night of the year, we will gather for a quiet, contemplative service that holds both our grief and our hope. 

Christmas Eve Worship, 4pm Dec. 24

Come join us on Christmas Eve, as we hear familiar words from John’s gospel. 

Christmas Day Lessons, Carols, and Hot Cocoa, 11am 

Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, and we’ll gather for an informal Lessons and Carols, with hot cocoa and coffee for all! Wear your pajamas if you want, and come sing your way through Luke’s version of the story. 

Sunday Jan. 1, 11am, New Years Day worship

We welcome Revs. Kaarin and Wes Granberg-Michaelson, who will lead worship on New Years Day. Wes is a global ecumenical leader whose work has highlighted the intersection of faith with public life. Kaarin is a retired hospital chaplain for elderly and brain injured patients. They are ordained in the Reformed Church of America.

Fellowship Opportunities

Advent Devotional Gatherings: 7pm via Zoom, Tuesdays Dec. 6, 13, and 20

We’ll gather together to read scripture through text and art, offering our prayers as we journey through Advent. 

Quiet Space Gathering, 10am Saturday Dec. 10

Calling all artists! Come and join us for a creative project we’ll see displayed on Christmas Eve. We’ll be using fabric paint and dye to create banners for our sanctuary together.

Epiphany Celebration January 8 following worship

We’ll gather to celebrate the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child, reading the story, bringing gifts of our own, and singing We Three Kings


Medical Debt Relief


Advent 1: Beginning with an apocalypse and hope