Welcome to ¡La Luz!

Over this summer, we have been making a shift to a new communications strategy. We’ve been getting used to using MailChimp to send our emails, and starting at the end of August, we’re adding a whole new newsletter to our repertoire!

We are delighted to start sending you ¡La Luz!, our new monthly newsletter. ¡La Luz! will be sent out on the last Friday of the month, and it will include everything you need to know about what will be happening at Westminster in the coming month. It will also have articles and pictures telling our story: what committees are up to, what is happening in our building, and what is happening in our community.

The stories that go out in La Luz will also be posted here, on our blog. We want to share our good news with anyone who wants to read it!

If you have an idea of an article you’d like to write - about how you became part of this community, about the way one of our projects has changed your life, or about a spiritual or theological question you are pondering, please send Rev. Madeline an email. She will be happy to work with you to share your thoughts with the rest of our community.


¡La Luz!, ED. 1: September 2022