Is it I, Lord?

—Kent DeYoung, Nominating Committee

“Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I have heard you calling in the night.

I will go, Lord, if You lead me.  I will hold your people in my heart.”

My mother had a knack for nudging me to do things I preferred to either put off or not do at all. It didn’t matter if I was a kid living under her roof or an adult living 1800 miles away, she would poke, prod, or make me feel guilty as only a mother can do. Sometimes her approach was gentle, sometimes it was a push. Sometimes I gave in quickly, but at other times I hemmed and hawed, usually because I didn’t enjoy it, wasn’t good at it, or didn’t have time. It was a whole lot easier to ignore it for a while or, better yet, wait for someone else to do it.

As it turns out my mom, the Church, and God have something in common. We know from the Bible that God has a long history of nudging people to do things they probably never imagined. And for 2000+ years, the Church has tapped members both great and small to be God’s voice, to reflect God’s love, and to do God’s work.

Westminster is no different. Since 1893 our members have been God’s witnesses here in Santa Fe, in northern New Mexico, and beyond. Our pastors and those who have served as elders or deacons (or both) have loved God and this church, and together they created a rich history and left us a great legacy. But there is still more to do.

In the coming weeks, the Nominating Committee (Sylvia Graft, Michael Brinegar, Elizabeth Roghair, and I) will begin the next phase in its work: asking members to consider serving on the Session or Board of Deacons. These are difficult and challenging times, and all of us are busy juggling careers, volunteer work, and relationships. And yet, there is perhaps no better time to serve WPC, to get more involved, to make a difference, and to lead our congregation into its future.

Are you feeling the nudge to serve? Are you hearing God’s call? We hope so! Our congregation needs you! If you are asked to serve, please take some time to prayerfully consider it. If you have been feeling called and are already ready to say “Yes!” please don’t feel like you have to wait to be asked; instead, contact anyone on the committee or Madeline to let them know.

The nominees elected to office at our congregational meeting this coming November or December will join a great group of previously elected officers continuing on into 2023. Together they will shape the future that is waiting for us just beyond the horizon. Please consider joining them, and if asked, please consider saying “Yes!”

P.S. You can listen to this hymn here!


You are mine: Westminster’s Pride Flag


¡La Luz!, ED. 1: September 2022