Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Christianity and Climate Change
The Creation Care Committee at Westminster invites you to learn what we can do, as Christians and as a church, to address the climate change crisis.
The Rev. James E. Roghair will lead the discussion using videos and material featuring the work of Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, a Canadian atmospheric scientist, a Distinguished Professor at Texas Tech University, and a Chief Scientist for the Nature Conservancy.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Christianity and Climate Change
The Creation Care Committee at Westminster invites you to learn what we can do, as Christians and as a church, to address the climate change crisis.
The Rev. James E. Roghair will lead the discussion using videos and material featuring the work of Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, a Canadian atmospheric scientist, a Distinguished Professor at Texas Tech University, and a Chief Scientist for the Nature Conservancy.
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Christianity and Climate Change
The Creation Care Committee at Westminster invites you to learn what we can do, as Christians and as a church, to address the climate change crisis.
The Rev. James E. Roghair will lead the discussion using videos and material featuring the work of Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, a Canadian atmospheric scientist, a Distinguished Professor at Texas Tech University, and a Chief Scientist for the Nature Conservancy.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Christianity and Climate Change
The Creation Care Committee at Westminster invites you to learn what we can do, as Christians and as a church, to address the climate change crisis.
The Rev. James E. Roghair will lead the discussion using videos and material featuring the work of Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, a Canadian atmospheric scientist, a Distinguished Professor at Texas Tech University, and a Chief Scientist for the Nature Conservancy.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
The Things That Make For Peace
As we approach the end of the campaign season and cast our votes to elect our next President, many of us may be feeling ill-at-ease, somewhat nervous, and more than a little anxious. No matter the outcome in November, it is safe to say that each of us wants to move forward in peace – with ourselves and with our neighbors, in our nation and in our world.
In that light, Westminster Presbyterian Church has scheduled a five-session Forum for Peace entitled “The Things That Make For Peace.” The curriculum comes to us from the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the PCUSA. Lay leaders will facilitate the forum with assistance from clergy from within Westminster and outside it.
The forum will be held in-person in Westminster’s Koinonia Hall each of the five Wednesdays in October from 10:30 a.m. until noon.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.
The Things That Make For Peace
As we approach the end of the campaign season and cast our votes to elect our next President, many of us may be feeling ill-at-ease, somewhat nervous, and more than a little anxious. No matter the outcome in November, it is safe to say that each of us wants to move forward in peace – with ourselves and with our neighbors, in our nation and in our world.
In that light, Westminster Presbyterian Church has scheduled a five-session Forum for Peace entitled “The Things That Make For Peace.” The curriculum comes to us from the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the PCUSA. Lay leaders will facilitate the forum with assistance from clergy from within Westminster and outside it.
The forum will be held in-person in Westminster’s Koinonia Hall each of the five Wednesdays in October from 10:30 a.m. until noon.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Making Sandwiches for Chaplain Joe
Join us on the third Tuesday of each month to make sandwiches for Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach.
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in helping plan upcoming worship services or assist in decorating the sanctuary to match the liturgical season to join them the second Sunday of each month following worship.
Evangelism & Outreach Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Meeting ID: 830 1789 8826
Passcode: 206178
Money Cares Meeting
Join us for our monthly Money Cares meeting.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0132 0514
Passcode: 535599
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Anyone who enjoys playing handbells or would like to learn to play them is invited to this rehearsal. The Bell Choir provides music during worship the second Sunday of each month.
Join us for worship as the ESSO Orchestra accompanies a service of Lessons & Carols.
Christmas Eve Worship
Join us on Christmas Eve as we welcome the birth of the Christ-child, Emmanuel, God-with-us. “O Come, Let Us Adore Him!”
Agape Fast
Following worship on the fourth Sunday of each month we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, and we ask that you donate the amount you might have spent for that day’s lunch to our Imagine No Hunger outreach ministry to help alleviate hunger in our community.